"Theatre costume" - exhibition until 20 October

23 September 2024

Thanks to the partnership forged with the CADO - Centre d'Art Dramatique d'Orléans - come and discover a selection of theatre costumes at the Château de Chamerolles. Invited into our exhibition rooms, these costumes rub shoulders with period furniture and princely atmosphere for a better conversation between the history of the place and costumes.

Stroll between the vestibule and the red room to discover them until October 20.

Here's a quick digital overview of what awaits you! 

As if our rooms were inhabited...

The costumes of three plays come to life in the middle of our period sofas, eighteenth-century game tables, in the middle of nineteenth-century tiles or surrounded by Renaissance-style brocatelle - hangings. A beautiful complicity between heritage and the artistic world where the visitor can easily imagine these costumes moving around our rooms. As if historical figures had never left our castle. Costume of Smyrna, of the Children's Island... are offered to our visitors until October 20 inclusive. One of the costumes is also freely accessible: you can put it on and pretend to be the lord of the place for a shot in the red room.

More than practical information

This exhibition is on the ground floor of the castle in the lower salons. There are still 5-6 steps from the main courtyard to the ground floor of the castle.

This exhibition is offered to us thanks to the partnership with the CADO - Centre d'Art Dramatique d'Orléans

Exhibition visible from September 21 to October 20 on the days and hours of the castle's opening. (consult our timetables in the Practical information - timetables tab)

Exhibition included in the entrance ticket, at no extra charge. 

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